Wednesday, February 2, 2011


A recent trip to the West Coast has hindered me from making much progress on The Thin Man. I had my heart set on relaxing on the beach with a few books, but it seems that California had other plans (namely, bad reggae cover bands, a tab full of Black Russians, and burgers on the wharf).

Here's what I can offer you, though:

My suspicions about Jorgensen were confirmed. Christian Jorgensen (a.k.a. Victor Rosewater) turns out to be Wynant's old inventor-nemesis. He had some bad blood with Wynant in the past, and is now married, under a different name, to Wynant's ex-wife. Definitely fishy.

Oh, and Gilbert? He is beyond creepy. At one point, he asks Nick a few questions about cannibalism. I was surprised that there was no inner dialogue from Nick during the conversation. I'd probably have some colorful thoughts passing through my head after something like that.

Those are my two cents for now. I'm going to power through the rest of the book tonight, and I'm curious to see what my final opinion will be.

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